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COVID-19 Response

EU Response

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Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: UK

Jun 12, 2020

BACIU PARTNERS: The UK will reopen shopping malls and shops in June. Open-air markets and car sales centers could reopen on June 1 and retail chains on June 15. All other non-essential retailers will be able ...

EU Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jun 12, 2020

BACIU PARTNERS: European Central Bank officials are drawing up a scheme to cope with potentially hundreds of billions of euros of unpaid loans in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. ...

EU Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

May 20, 2020

BACIU PARTNERS: Democracy and fundamental rights are under threat in Hungary, say most MEPs, who urge the Commission and the Council to protect Hungarian citizens and rule of law.  ...

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