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AmCham Team

Letiția Pupăzeanu Executive Director

Following a 6 year experience at the USAID (United States Agency for International Development), Letiția Pupăzeanu joined AmCham Romania in 2007 as Advocacy Manager, later promoted to Policy Director and Deputy Executive Director.


In her personal life, Letiția is an advocate for simple and responsible living, healthy eating habits and environment protection.

Ana-Maria Ciobanu Advocacy & External Relations Manager

Ana-Maria Ciobanu joined AmCham in 2013 and is coordinating AmCham’s advocacy activities on some key domains such as Capital Markets and Financial Services, Digital Economy, Energy, HealthcareReal Estate & ConstructionTaxation and Tourism Committees.

Ana is trained in international relations, economics, and diplomacy. She graduated magna cum laude from the American University in Paris, specializing in Political Science and International Economics. She holds a Master Degree in Public Administration from the University of Bucharest, as well as a certificate in International Relations, from the Romanian Diplomatic Institute.

Ana-Maria is passionate about education and seeing the young generation thrive.

Oana Dobrițescu Advocacy Specialist

Oana joined the AmCham team in 2022 to support our advocacy activity. She is coordinating the Competition and State-Aid, Labor, Corporate Governance Committees and the Data Protection & ePrivacy and Trade Legislation TF.

Oana holds a bachelor's degree in Law from the University of Bucharest, and a Master’s in Public International Law, from the University of Bucharest. Before joining AmCham, she worked in publishing for legal books and periodicals.

Her personal interests include art, reading science fiction and growing plants.

Manuel Cazac U.S. Relations Manager

Manuel joined AmCham in 2019 and manages our organization’s United States programming. He also coordinates AmCham’s services for entrepreneurs and is closely involved with our business advocacy and local outreach.

Manuel has a BA in Philosophy from UCL and an MA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and is passionate about civic participation, education, emerging technologies, graphic design, podcasts, and statistics.

Camelia Stanciu Events & Marketing Manager

Camelia Stanciu has been coordinating AmCham Romania’s events since 2006 when she joined the organization as Events Coordinator. Along the years she took over several additional duties, being now our liaison for other bodies that AmCham is working with: the ICT Task Force within Coalitia pentru Dezvoltarea României ( and BIAC – Bucharest International Arbitration Court (


Camelia is a very detail oriented person, very organized and with an eye for matching resources/vs/results. She may be demanding in fulfilling her tasks, both with others and herself, but accolades are the usual closing of her activities. Camelia’s personal interests include travelling, art and artists, fashion and fashionistas!

Mihaela Gușu Finance & Adminstration Manager

Mihaela joined AmCham in 2000 when there were only 50 member companies and gradually came to coordinate AmCham Romania's Financial and HR operations.She also proactively supports other functions in the organization, mainly related to administrative, membership & events.

Mihaela enjoys reading fiction and history and classical music.

Andreea Roman Communication Manager

Andreea Roman joined AmCham in 2006, covering communication and membership. Beginning with 2022, Andreea coordinates AmCham’s communication, ensuring a proper reflection of AmCham’s key messages and activity in communication with members, and with all relevant private and public stakeholders.

Andreea constantly follows topics that reflect her main interests – writing with impact, efficient communication flows, new technologies, education and parenting.


Ioana-Alexandra Chilom Business Growth & Programs Specialist

Ioana is a member of the AmCham team since August 2022 and she coordinates the business growth services for  members and regional outreach programs. Additionally, she is the coordinator of the U.S. Business Visa Facilitation Program.

Ioana holds a first-class BA in International Relations from the University of Exeter, UK, and an MA in Communication and EU Affairs from SNSPA, Bucharest. Her passions include combating disinformation and fostering youth engagement in decision-making processes.

Manuela Negoiță Membership Engagement and Development Specialist

Manuela joined AmCham Romania in April 2024, and covers membership engagement and development.

Her professional experience expands over 20 years, mainly in technology companies, where her roles included operations, sales and business development.

Antonia Cornea U.S. Business Visa Project Assistant

Antonia Cornea is an ambitious student with a passion for innovation working towards her Bachelors in International Business at the Romanian American University. With a proactive personality, she is here to assist you in the U.S. Business Visa Facilitation Program.

Dan Dochia Courier, Office Administration

Dan Dochia is the practical arm of the team, taking care of all the logistics and administrative tasks that ensure the timely deliverance of the AmCham correspondence and the best AmCham experience for our visitors.

Dan’s personal interests include family life and gardening.