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News from Members First children are being treated in the new Hospital. Redirect 3,5% of your taxes to offer them extra chances. 

First children are being treated in the new Hospital. Redirect 3,5% of your taxes to offer them extra chances. 

by Asociația Dăruiește Viața May 14, 2024

The Hospital built by 350,000 people and 8,000 companies is functional. First children are already being treated in the new, state-of-the-art facility. Tens of kids from the oncology, neuro-oncology, surgery and ICU department are fighting for their lives each day. They have an extremely busy schedule with consultations, MRI, therapies, medication and so on. Can you make time to offer them extra chances? The final two week when you can redirect 3,5% of your income taxes to Dăruiește Viață. It only takes 3 minutes and it does not cost you anything.

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