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AmCham Romania Events U.S. - Romania Economic Forum: Partnership for Growth | 3rd Edition | Washington D.C.

The 3rd edition of  AmCham Romania's flagship "U.S.-Romania Economic Forum" takes place on June 20, 2024, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST in Washington, D.C., United States of America.

About the 2024 Edition

This year's edition is organized, for the first time, in the United States of America and brings together the government and the business sector to explore investment opportunities in Romania. Building on the previous two editions, the 2024 will continue to champion stronger economic relations between the U.S. and Romania and will showcase business and investment opportunities on the Romanian market for American corporate and institutional investors.

We will welcome the participation of senior officials in the U.S. and Romanian Governments, representatives of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and leaders of American enterprises that already invested in Romania. The Forum will emphasize the many still underexplored areas of bilateral economic cooperation in Agriculture, Banking & Financial Services, (Renewable) Energy, IT&C, Manufacturing, and the Medical Sector and will present success stories of American FDI in Romania.

>> Visit the Forum's website for details on the event agenda.
>> Register to attend the 2024 Forum.

How AmCham Romania member companies can get involved with the Forum

  • share the news and encourage your U.S.-based business partners and/or clients to join us on June 20 - the event will be a fantastic opportunity for U.S. enterprises to learn directly from Romanian decision-makers and key stakeholders about investment opportunities and support in Romania
  • invite U.S.-based representatives of your company to attend the event - the Forum will also offer networking sessions and participants will have the chance to talk to representatives of AmCham Romania about the local business and investment climate in 1-to-1 sessions
  • attend the event and join AmCham's voice in advocating for a larger U.S.-origin investment footprint in Romania - you will meet leaders of U.S.-origin enterprises that aren't operating on the Romanian market yet and will have the opportunity to share your experience of doing business in Romania
    • Please note that seating is limited. AmCham Romania will review all registration requests and will confirm attendance on an availability basis. If you decide to travel to the U.S., please make individual travel and accommodation arrangements. You can reach out to AmCham Romania for queries and assistance in obtaining a B1/B2 U.S. Visa.
  • become a sponsor of the event and support our efforts to raise Romania's investment profile in the United States - the Forum will convene a senior U.S.-based business audience and will showcase Romania's untapped potential for American FDI
    • Please reach out to us to enquire about sponsorship opportunities that are still available.

About the Forum

The "U.S.-Romania Economic Forum" is AmCham Romania's premier platform for transatlantic dialogue, bringing together policy makers in Washington, D.C. and Bucharest, local decision-makers and stakeholders, and leaders and professionals in the American and Romanian business communities. Launched in 2022 with the support of the United States Embassy in Romania to mark the 25th anniversary of the Strategic Partnership between the United States and Romania, the Forum serves as a space to recognize and celebrate past achievements in the bilateral economic relation and, more importantly, to look ahead at challenges and seize emerging opportunities to renew this partnership.

When & Where

Date Thursday, June 20, 2024

Timeline 18:00 pm - 22:00 pm

Location Conrad Washington, Conservatory Ballroom | Washington, D.C., United States of America

Event's Gallery