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Taxhouse is a high-end independent tax advisory firm offering a comprehensive and integrated range of tax consultancy and compliance services. Taxhouse is exclusively Taxand Romania. Founded in 2006 in the context of domestic and international need for independence and specialisation, Taxhouse assembled a team of highly qualified tax partners drawn from the executive ranks of global firms as well as a team of carefully selected professionals, having excellent technical background on domestic and international tax related matters and strong local market awareness. Our clients value our sound technical advice, delivered in the context of their particular business situation and we are committed to gain and retain our clients’ confidence providing consistently high quality services and fast response.

Taxhouse provides direct access to the local team of experts as well as to Taxand's worldwide team of over 3,000 expert tax advisors in nearly 50 countries, with whom it shares global knowledge and tax innovations on cross-border transactions and tax planning solutions, so it can deliver rapid and accurate advice on international transactions.

Our partners and managers work closely with our clients to develop and execute tax solutions that impact the design and implementation of their business strategies. In the current environment of constantly changing tax rules and regulations, corporations and individuals can derive significant and ongoing benefits from well thought, forward looking solutions which are delivered promptly by our team.

Taxand is the world's largest independent tax organisation of tax advisors delivering quality tax advice globally. Taxand was formed in 2005 in response for the growing global need for independent tax advice, and has grown exponentially since inception. Alongside Taxand, Taxhouse provides seamless, integrated and independent global tax services.

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