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Prutul is one of the main producers of vegetable oil and also one of the most important players in the agribusiness industry in Romania. The company owns the Prutul Oil Factory in Galați and 16 storage capacities for cereals and oilseeds in 7 of the counties with the highest agricultural potential in our country, Prutul having one of the largest total storage capacity in Romania. Prutul is a Romanian privately owned company, with 460 employees in its two divisions, Vegetable Oil and Agribusiness. Prutul is a company with an integrated business model, which involves:

  • Oilseed processing, refining, bottling and marketing of vegetable oil
  • Distribution of agricultural inputs to farmers
  • Purchase and sale of all types of cereals and oilseeds
  • Storage of cereals and oilseeds in its own network of silos and bases