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CN Transelectrica SA

Transelectrica was founded by the Government Ordinance No. 627/July, 31, 2000 further to unbundling the former Romanian Electricity Authority (CONEL) into four independent entities: Transelectrica, Electrica, Hidroelectrica and Termoelectrica – for electricity transmission and dispatching, distribution and hydro &thermal generation.

Thus, the transmission and system services were completely separated from the generation, distribution and supply activities. From the technical viewpoint, the electric power system remained unitary, managed by a unique operator – Transelectrica.

Transelectrica's core activities
  • Technical and operational management of the Power System, to ensure the safe and stable operation of the system
  •  Operation, maintenance and development of its assets
  •  Planning of National Power System and transmission network development
  •  Market administration:
  • Market for Allocation of Power System Interconnections
  •  Ancillary Services Market
  •  Balancing Market
  •  Day-Ahead Market
  •  Intra-Day Market
  • Centralized market for electricity bilateral contracts
  • Green Certificates Market
  • Management of interconnections and electricity transits with neighboring countries

The shares, August 29, 2006 is listed to the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

Transelectrica ensures the Romanian Power System (RPS) reliable and stable operation at quality standards, while providing the national electricity transmission network under transparent, non-discriminatory and fair conditions to all market participants.

The vision of the Company is to become the technical and operational authority of the RPS and the key transmission and system operator in South-East Europe, while operating interconnected to ENTSO-E and providing electricity wheeling to the regional electricity market.