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AmCham30 Special Projects AmCham Sustainability Competition, a program that aims to find real solutions to sustainability and circularity pressing problems faced by companies in Romania

AmCham Sustainability Competition, a program that aims to find real solutions to sustainability and circularity pressing problems faced by companies in Romania

by AmCham Romania

This year when AmCham celebrates 30 years of presence and activity in Romania, we acknowledge the joint contribution of AmCham members to the economic development of the country over the last 3 decades and reaffirm the commitment of the AmCham community to invest in a sustainable future for Romania.

In this context, AmCham Romania, together with Impact Hub Bucharest, is launching the AmCham Sustainability Competition, a program that aims to find real solutions to sustainability and circularity pressing problems faced by companies in Romania.

"As sustainability is equally an individual and collective responsibility - individuals, companies, and governments, with the AmCham Sustainability Competition, an AmCham30 anniversary project, we aim to encourage the development of innovative solutions with a positive impact on the environment. The project brings together companies and startups to find scalable solutions to problems that specifically affect water, air, and soil. AmCham's 30-year presence in Romania has confirmed that together we are stronger and that partnerships give strength and scope to initiatives for the greater good of the society, economy, and Romania. We are happy to have along us experienced partners with whom we can address the challenges of the future", said Letiția Pupăzeanu, Executive Director of AmCham Romania.


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