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COVID-19 Response EU Response Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: UK

Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: UK

by BACIU PARTNERS June 12, 2020

  1. The UK will reopen shopping malls and shops in June. Open-air markets and car sales centers could reopen on June 1 and retail chains on June 15. All other non-essential retailers will be able to reopen in England from 15 June. ( & &
  2. The UK wants to impose 14 days of isolation for people arriving from abroad. (
  3. UK economy suffers record 20.4% contraction. (
  4. An effort to breathe life into the deadlocked post-Brexit trade talks has come with the announcement that Boris Johnson is to hold talks with Ursula von der Leyen on Monday next week (15 June). Both sides have also agreed to step up negotiations throughout July. (
  5. Boris Johnson has confirmed only a partial further easing of the lockdown in England from June 15, saying restrictions must remain in place as the coronavirus infection rate remains too high. (
  6. Plans for children in England to return to primary school before September have been dropped, the UK government announced as the country battles the coronavirus pandemic. (
  7. UK records more new COVID-19 deaths than entire EU combined. (
  8. Brexit: UK backtracks on pledge to avoid Northern Ireland customs checks. (
  9. UK government says 17% of people in London may have had coronavirus. (
  10. British Petroleum announces plans to cut 10,000 jobs due to falling oil demand due to COVID-19 pandemic. (
  11. Because of the corona pandemic, Britain is in the worst recession in 300 years, according to the Bank of England. The government is still sticking to the tough Brexit. (

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