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COVID-19 Response EU Response EU Member States Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: SPAIN

EU Member States Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: SPAIN

by BACIU PARTNERS May 15, 2020


  1. The Spanish government is considering putting forward a one-month extension to the state of alarm, which expires at midnight on May 23. (
  2. The Government hopes to finish all de-escalation at the end of June. ( &  )
  3. Stores that have the possibility will be able to serve customers from May 4 throughout the national territory as long as they have arranged an appointment by phone or by other means, according to sources from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. (
  4. Spanish retail trade suffers its biggest drop on record. A BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria) study concludes that consumption has sunk by half during the state of alarm. (
  5. Spain will ask the EU to allocate 10% of its revival plan to the automotive sector. (
  6. Spain will force a 14-day quarantine on anyone arriving from abroad. The measure takes effect on May 14. (
  7. Catalonia delays de-escalation measures in the city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area. (
  8. The Bank of Spain warns of the strong impact of the pandemic on profitability of banks and that they will be requiring close monitoring. (
  9. The European Commission predicts that Spanish GDP will fall by 9.4% in 2020 and grow by 7% in 2021, with the unemployment rate reaching 18.9%. (
  10. Companies that apply ERTE (expediente de regulación temporal de empleo - technical unemployment) will have to maintain their workforce six months after resuming activity. Companies that take advantage of labor adjustment measures may not distribute dividends in this fiscal year and may not be located in tax havens. ERTE for now will be applicable until the 30th of June. ( &
  11. The hospitality sector plans to perform rapid tests (supplied by the Government) of its clients, and to take their temperature or make an epidemiological questionnaire to allow them to enter the premises or event. (


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